The Parent Thing

Boredom- Why keeping kiddos entertained is not always the best idea

Episode Notes

This week I chat to Amber Cimiotti about how boredom is beneficial for kiddos.

Some things we talk about include:

• Boredom and instant gratification 

• What are some of the benefits of being bored? 

• What essential skills could be developed when a child is bored? 

• How do you balance a child being bored without having them get to a point of being destructive? 

• How do you balance making them play independently without them feeling ignored or neglected? 

• For kids who are given screens to alleviate boredom, how would you suggest introducing boredom? 

• What are some cues a parent could give children that say they are bored?

The chat was so insightful! Cheers to more bored kiddos!

Connect with Amber on Instagram and Facebook: @ciaoamberc