The Parent Thing

Money Mindset- Rethinking how we teach our children to relate to money

Episode Summary

Have you ever heard the phrases "Money is the route of all evil", Money doesn't grow on trees", Keeping up with the Jones'", I can't afford it" (and so many more when you were growing up)? How did that affect your relationship with money, wealth, and abundance? This week I speak to Lydia Elim, a money mindset coach. She helps grown-ups work through their unhealthy money mindsets, and we discuss how to create healthy money mindsets in our children. Some topics we explore include: • Examples of some unhealthy money mindsets that parents pass onto their children. • What healthy money mindsets can parents learn to pass on to their children instead? • Practical tips for parents to action to change their money mindsets. • Practical tips for parents to foster a healthy money mindset in their children. This episode is powerful. You can connect with Lydia on Instagram @lydiaelim you can also email her: Pop me an email to let me know what you thought about the episode this week, I would love to hear from you.